a podcast for every freaking writer

Face it, as a writer you occasionally freak OUT.

You might be freaking out because you haven't written in a long time and want to get moving again. Or because you have no idea how to organize your novel or how to give a public reading of your poem. You might be freaking out with frustration because you got slammed in a writing workshop, or freaking out with joy because an agent is interested in your work. The freak out might be a small and fleeting or it might be something that has stopped your writing for years. When we freak out what we really need is some calm, clear, specific advice on what to try next. So if you have a freak out experience, dilemma or question, no matter how big, small, silly or serious, send it along to:

freakout@ xxxxx .com and we will try to answer it on our show!




Freakout #1

Description of episode 1 here

Freakout #2

Description of episode 2 here

Freakout #3

Description of episode 3 here

Max Regan, MFA

Max is a Developmental Editor, writing coach and writing teacher who works with writers in many different genres, in all stages of the drafting process. He is the founder of Hollowdeck Press LLC and runs writing guilds in cities across the US and Europe.  

See more at www.hollowdeckpress.com


Are you freaking out? Ask your question here